Dialogic PowerVille Visual IVR

Dialogic PowerVille VIVR - Visual IVR


Extend the capabilities of
voice-only IVRs with Visual IVR

Visual Interactive Voice Response, or Visual IVR, is similar to Interactive Voice Response (IVR,) but with the addition of web-based visual content. Visual IVR revolutionizes user interface of traditional voice-only IVR's to both exponentially improve the user experience and consistently deliver high levels of customer service satisfaction, while decreasing calls to agents and lowering overall costs. According to John Medina, author of the New York Times' best-selling book Brain Rules, "sharing visual content during conversations can boost comprehension and recall up to 600%".

Dialogic Powerville Visual IVR - WINNER - Most Innovative LTE Application or Service LTE & 5G World Awards 2016

Key Features

Information-Rich Input

Enable easy entry of complex alpha-numeric data

Secure Communication Channel

Eliminate theft during data exchange to and from the IVR

Seamless Upgrade

Preserve existing investment and increase return-on-investment (ROI)

Web-Based Visual Content

Increase first-call self-service resolution rates

Omni-Channel Experience

Start a chat or text session, send an e-mail, request a callback, or transfer to an agent

Menu-Driven Interface

Enable more accurate selections and decrease average call duration

Resource Links

IVR vs. Visual IVR

IVR vs Visual IVR - Visual Menu
PowerVille Visual IVR - Visual Menu
IVR vs Visual IVR - Pushing Content
PowerVille Visual IVR - Pushing Content
IVR vs Visual IVR - Benefits of Visual IVR - VIVR
PowerVille Visual IVR - Benefits

Visual IVR... Collaborative web-based voice and visuals mobile application

Dialogic® PowerVille™ VIVR – Visual IVR extends the capabilities of IVR by transforming it into a collaborative web-based voice and visuals mobile application for smartphones. By being able to share visual content during a standard voice call, PowerVille Visual IVR offers a mobile experience that conveniently and effortlessly engages the caller, improving first call self-service resolution rates. Add to the visual content the ability to collect alpha-numeric data through information-rich input to exponentially minimize the need for callers to transfer to agents, further reducing inbound calls and zero-outs as the enhanced user experience leads to lower interaction abandonment and better average handle times.

PowerVille Visual IVR can facilitate an omni-channel experience by giving a caller the option to transfer the call to an agent, start a chat or text session, send an e-mail, or request a callback. Thus, even in situations where the caller’s specific concern(s) might have yet to be addressed, giving them the ability to choose how to continue can help them maintain a positive view as to the overall experience. Furthermore, if the call has to go to an agent, PowerVille Visual IVR can intelligently route the call to the appropriate agent with context and continuity, reducing both call disruption and the need for information repetition by the caller. Additionally, if the visual portion of the call is still active when the call is transferred, the agent will be able to push content to the caller and also be able to see what the caller is seeing.

Visual IVR Collaborative web-based voice and visuals mobile application

PowerVille Visual IVR relieves contact center volume by diverting more calls to successful self-service interactions through:

  • Visual Navigation - faster than listening to audio prompts
  • Increased Accuracy - caller can read and re-read options before selecting
  • Information-Rich Input - complex alpha-numeric data can be collected